De la Memorie şi cunoaştere locală

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Memorie şi cunoaştere locală
Judeţul Cluj în imagini

Proiectul de memorie locală işi propune saăăăăăă promovare....We're also holding a Community Custom Mapping contest so be sure to check that out and submit your own custom map when the time comes. Check out the forums for more details and we look forward to seeing what the community creates using the new tools.


Getting Started With The Mod Tools

Once you have Unzipped the Mod Tools into the game directory root, and have begun to run them. Please review the Compile Tools Article for more information on how to get started. Also visit the Wiki Forum to join the community of CoD4:MW Modders. We're looking forward to seeing all of the great maps and mods the community produces.